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Bargaining Updates

Pursuant to RCW 41.56 Public Employees Collective Bargaining, the Chimacum School District will continue contract negotiations. 

This update provides the community information regarding labor negotiation progress.

UPDATE: Posted September 14, 2018

Please see attached two-year teacher contract ratified by members on September 4, 2018 and approved by the Board on September 12, 2018.  

Rick Thompson, Superintendent


The District has added a 1.0 Principal to Chimacum Creek Primary School for Fall 2016.

Chimacum Education Association:

UPDATE: Posted December 15, 2016

The district and CEA has reached a tentative agreement on a two year contract on December 15, 2016, pending ratification by members and approval by the Chimacum School Board.


UPDATE: Posted December 14, 2016

District and CEA officials met for full day bargaining on December 13.  No agreement was reached.  Both sides agreed to meet again on December 15, 2016


UPDATE: Posted November 28, 2016

District Officials are prepared to bargain with this WEA represented group.  We have asked their representative to schedule bargaining sessions during the month of December, with the goal of completing negotiations by years end.  Please contact Superintendent Rick Thompson if you have any questions.



UPDATE: Posted November 2, 2016

On November 1, 2016 District officials met with teachers, custodians, and instructional classified staff, along with their WEA representatives, to review a budget analysis presented by WEA staff.  Both sides agreed to schedule further meetings to negotiate successor contracts. The district will continue to update the public on negotiations progress.


UPDATE: Posted September 26, 2016

The District and CEA officials met August 26 and September 2 to continue bargaining issues in the negotiated agreement.  The district and association have come to agreement on several language issues and have reached agreement over the substance of the process for teacher and other certificated employee evaluation.  New teacher mentorship support, district wide discipline issues, and the majority of the leave section was completed.  Class size language has been agreed to. The district has formally requested to schedule further bargaining sessions.


Posted August 23, 2016

District Officials and CEA met on August 23, 2016 from 8:00 to 3:00 PM to continue contract negotiations. Additional meetings have been set for August 26 and September 2. We will keep you posted about progress being made in the areas of work load, contract language, and compensation.


On July 20, 2016 the district proposed improvements to compensation. CEA represents primarily teachers and other certificated, non-administrative employees.  CEA and district officials met on May 16, June 1, June 3, June 9, June 13, and June 22.  Additional meetings are scheduled for July 19, 22, and 25 as well as August 23 and August 26.  Both sides continue conversations about contract language, salary, and related educational issues.  CEA is represented by Washington Education Association.


Chimacum Principals Association:


The District agreement with Principals was approved for the 2016-17 school year.  Meetings took place on June 24 and June 28.  Wages were discussed and salary comparables were identified.  The district will pass through state funded Cola of 1.8%.  The district will continue to pay each principal four project days.  Principal evaluation process was also discussed.


Chimacum Independent Association:


UPDATE: Posted December 15, 2016

The school board approved the three year agreement on December 14, 2016


UPDATE: Posted December 14, 2016

The District and CIA reached an agreement on December 6.  The members of the CIA ratified the contract on December 13.  The Chimacum School Board will be presented the contract on December 14 for approval.



UPDATE: Posted December 1, 2016

District officials met with CIA and their representative from the Washington Education Association on December 1, 2016.  Progress is being made in the bargain, including three tentative agreements related to leaves, substitutes and personnel files.  Proposals related to employee compensation were exchanged.  The next meeting is set for December 6, 2016.



UPDATE: Posted November 28, 2016

District Officials are prepared to bargain with this WEA represented group.  We have asked their representative to schedule bargaining sessions during the month of December, with the goal of completing negotiations by years end.  Please contact Superintendent Rick Thompson if you have any questions.


UPDATE: Posted November 2, 2016

On November 1, 2016 District officials met with teachers, custodians, and instructional classified staff, along with their WEA representatives, to review a budget analysis presented by WEA staff.  Both sides agreed to schedule further meetings to negotiate successor contracts. The district will continue to update the public on negotiations progress.


UPDATE: Posted September 26, 2016

The district and CIA have met on May 18, June 3, June 6, and June 15.  Topics at the table have included professional development, contract language and wage increases. CIA members are represented by Washington Education Association. No further meetings have been schedueled.


Chimacum Custodial/Maintenance Association:


UPDATE: Posted December 15, 2016

The school board approved the three year agreement on December 14, 2016


UPDATE: Posted December 14, 2016

The District and Maintenance/Custodial union reached an agreement on December 6, 2016.  The members of the union ratified the agreement on December 13.  The Chimacum School Board will be presented the contract for approval on December 14, 2016.



UPDATE: Posted November 28, 2016

District Officials are prepared to bargain with this WEA represented group.  We have asked their representative to schedule bargaining sessions during the month of December, with the goal of completing negotiations by years end.  Please contact Superintendent Rick Thompson if you have any questions.



UPDATE: Posted November 2, 2016

On November 1, 2016 District officials met with teachers, custodians, and instructional classified staff, along with their WEA representatives, to review a budget analysis presented by WEA staff.  Both sides agreed to schedule further meetings to negotiate successor contracts. The district will continue to update the public on negotiations progress.


UPDATE: Posted September 26, 2016

Also represented by WEA, the custodial and maintenance workers have met with the district on April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10, May 24, May 31, June 7 and June 10 to discuss benefits, wages, and working conditions.  No further meetings have been schedueled.


Teamsters local 589:

UPDATE: Posted November 30, 2016

The Public Employment Relations Commission informed the district on November 30, 2016 that a certified election was held by PERC to determine if a majority of the drivers wished to remain with the Teamsters Union.  A petition to decertify the Teamsters Union was granted by PERC earlier this year.  The vote indicated that a majority of the drivers voted in favor of not being represented by Teamsters.  As such, the Chimacum driver unit will be unrepresented at this time.


UPDATE: Posted September 26, 2016

On July 19 the district submitted a response to PERC regarding facts related to the filing of the decertification petition. A PERC hearing was conducted on September 1, 2016. The District expects a response by October 7, 2016.


In Chimacum the Teamsters represent bus drivers and non-supervisory transportation staff.  The district and teamsters met for over a year to work on wages, contract language, and clarified the role of Transportation Specialist and Dispatch.  Increases to reimbursement rates for required DOT physicals were provided as well as a 3% COLA each year, inclusive of state pass through, for a three year contract.   The union ratified and the school board approved the contract.

--See for information related to public employment bargaining.  Members of the Teamsters unit have filed a petition to de certify their representatives.


Please visit the Collective Bargaining Agreements page under Departments, Human Resources.